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Edison International, Richard Tom, Southern California Edison, Uncategorized

Southern California Edison plans to cut 730 employees at the ailing San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

Southern California Edison plans to cut 730 employees at the ailing San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, a decision that follows two years of analysis that included comparisons to similar nuclear plants, utility officials said Monday.

The plant has been closed since January because of excessive wear to tubes that carry radioactive water, and the company said necessary repairs and strict California environmental and regulatory standards have increased the overall cost of delivering electricity to customers.

“The steam generator issues at SONGS also require that SCE be prudent with its future spending while SCE and regulators review the long-term viability of the nuclear plant. The reality is that the Unit 3 reactor will not be operating for some time,” utility officials said in a statement.


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About Leslie Brodie

Leslie Brodie is a reporter, writer, blogger, activist, and a religious leader in the community.


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